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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sorry for the delay

OK, life has been more than a little hectic - so I have kept this as a low priority, but had a few moments that I thought I'd take to discuss the Coffee Party movement. While this is a reply of sorts to the Tea Parties of late, it is not a bunch of angry lefties lashing out at the right.

The Coffee Party asks that we return to civil discussions, and that we come together as Americans to try to find a genuine common sense approach to solving the many problems our nation is facing. Following is a recent post from the Coffee Party Movement's Facebook page. I hope you will consider attending an event near you. From my experience, all beliefs are respected, as long as you show a willingness to respect others. It really isn't that difficult.

Join the Coffee Party Movement

“Partisanship is our great curse. We too readily assume that everything has two sides and that it is our duty to be on one or the other.”-- James Harvey Robinson (1863–1936) In politics, we impose a left-right framework on the world. Let's drop this outdated framework that needlessly divides us a people. Let's commit to using our common sense and working together as fellow Americans